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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Quake 2 : Ground Zero System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-10 01:40:42 Views : 28095 Cheat : New Weapons (with Ammo) & PowerUps: (use as "give" commands like in normal Quake2) ChainFist ETF Rifle Plasma Beam Prox Launcher Tesla Double Damage Hunter Sphere Defender Sphere Vengeance Sphere A-M Bomb IR Goggles Doppleganger Ammo for ETF Rifle: Flechettes Ammo for Prox Launcher: Prox You can also type: - "give all" or: - "give weapons" or: - "give ammo" LEVEL LIST I know that the maps names are listed in the documentation of Ground Zero, but I found out that there are three other maps not shown in the list in the documentation. So I listed them all up here. (use as "map" commands like in normal Quake2) 1-Player Maps: RMINE1 Lower Mines RMINE2 Mine Engineering RLAVA1 Thaelite Mines RLAVA2 Tectonic Stabilizer RWARE1 Eastern Warehouse RWARE2 Waterfront Storage RBASE1 Logistics Complex RBASE2 Tactical Command RHANGAR1 Research Hangar RHANGAR2 Maintenance Hangars RSEWER1 Waste Processing RSEWER2 Waste Disposal RAMMO1 Munitions Plant RAMMO2 Ammo Depot RBOSS Widow's Lair Multiplayer Maps: RDM1 The Low Road RDM2 The High Road RDM3 Boxed In RDM4 Razor Close RDM5 Stone Hinge RDM6 Nexus RDM7 Sewer Citadel RDM8 Styx and Stones RDM9 Scenic Overlook RDM10 Great Divide RDM11 Dish It Out RDM12 Fall From Grace RDM13 Roads To Nowhere RDM14 Rogue's Edge Misc. Maps: RUNIT2 \ RUNIT3 > Weapon- & Ammo Depot for Units 2, 3 & 4 RUNIT4 _/ Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Quake 2 : Ground Zero cheat codes.
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